Posting Bids for Bulk Requirements

1 month ago - Updated

1. Access the "Bids" section from the Home Access menu to post bids for your bulk material purchase requirements.

2. You'll find options to add new bids and view a table displaying your previous bids.


3. Click on the "New Bid" button to post your new requirements.

4. Provide a title for your bid that clearly outlines your requirements.

5. Specify the required product names and quantities in the relevant fields.

6. Utilize the "Add Products" button to include multiple products in your bid.


7. Once you've entered all your product requirements and quantities, click on "Save Products" to finalize your bid.

8. Your bid will be added to the table, where you can track the number of offers received from vendors.

9. Monitor the count of offers received, and click on "View Offers" to see the offered products and prices for your requirements.

Home Access is a comprehensive construction project management software, designed to empower builders, contractors & construction professionals with a seamless and efficient platform to manage their projects from start to finish.


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